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The Future of Digital Marketing in 2021

The Future of Digital Marketing

Today we’re going to talk about the future of digital marketing,

So future tendencies to look out for both now and in 2021 and beyond, both for digital sell bureau owned and also any business owned that wants to stay ahead of the veer with Their marketing.

One thing I think a lot of people can get overwhelmed by is how Facebook ads can increase their waste and..,

How google ads can get more expensive and how, globally all these new circular platforms are sounding up.

It can get overwhelming and we can often forget that we need to embrace change in the marketing space opposed to being afraid of it.

So i would like to speak about some of the hottest veers right now that you need to embrace and certainly look out for in the future.
The first one being ai, artificial intelligence.

Now i’ve spoken about this before, but ai is all around us. It’S unavoidable Netflix and google and amazon all of these companies. They literally have individual units who are responsible for implementing ai.

Nowadays, here i am thinking, literally a couple of weeks ago, Netflix bring forward the social predicament,

which is a documentary about how social media stages are literally built to compile us addicted to them.

I would recommend you watching it, but one of the interesting abstractions or not even a hypothesis. One of the interesting things they speak about is how every social media pulpit erects a digital avatar of their customers.

So every single person who implements facebook, for example, has a digital avatar, which is created from all of the things that we do online. Whether that’s liking sheets grades, the photos that we like they even track.

Whether you’ve looked at a photograph of your ex, which was mind-blowing for me and some of the data,

which is actually handsome.
You don’t even really realize it’s being tracked.

But all of this is building this digital avatar of ourselves and the more complex and sophisticated that avatar is the better and more refined targeting can be for advertisers.

So in that sense, ai is certainly something which we need to embrace.

We need to welcome with open arms because the more developed and complex those avatars get the better.

It is that uh, the very best our targeting will be for our advertisers and circular exertions so um.

The other thing i wanted to mention was: we’ve got chatbots, which is ai, based we’re already integrating with chatbots all the time.

Chatbots are something if you’ve got a company, you clearly should be embracing, peculiarly if you’re, a regional, brick and mortar companionship.

You don’t need to be manually in an answer to contents all the time you don’t need to make person through a patron journeying manually.

You can create a chatbot to do that, for you through ai ai is literally expected to grow to a 190 billion dollar industry by 2025, and i predict last-place nighttime,

When i was researching for this article that 60 of companies are using ai to drive digital receipt Towards their companies now there are also ai-based um ad creation tools.

One called Adex, which i use about six months left, will literally create adverts on the basis of the information you input on its pulpit right,

But i did input one of my most profitable e-commerce patients about six months ago and it pretty much flopped right. I was i’m really rewarding about eight terms return on investment on facebook on Adex.

It was probably around one to two times: okay, so it really really flopped.

I was really disappointed, so i don’t think that these new technologies is quite advanced enough to be creating adverts for us more.

But a good deal of people are scared that, like hey when ai gets really complex, then it’s going to replace advertisements and that and that simply isn’t true, because these pulpits are literally built on the basis of advertisers they make all of their fund from us.

We are produced, and so they won’t want to replace us.

Ai is going to be a tool for us and when we can do ai ao based targeting located off client folders, for example, imagine the working day when you can upload a purchaser file, their pastimes, what they like to do.

What the kind of their senility is. Where are they based a full purchaser avatar and you can upload that onto a targeting based organization and it’ll intimate all of these different publics that you can run?

That’S when we really are going to get a benefit from ai so certainly is something that we need to embrace and as soon as i figure out any or find any ai-based tools which really really work.

I will let you guys, know um, but we’re always testing things out in the afternoon bureau yeah, so that is ai now. The second thing i want to talk about is tone search.

It is said that 55 of all American households will have some kind of a smart orator with singer scour by 2022. I mean we already have our mobile phone, so we’ve got Siri and Amazon and Alexa i imply pretty much.

Everybody has a smartphone these days, um, and so it is becoming grained in our everyday life. I symbolize i use it to set timers. I use it to turn my flares on or not through Philips hue.

It’s something which was alien to me a year ago, who is currently a extremely, very regular thing or regular occasion in my life, but it’s also been it’s also formed this entirely.

New industry announced utter inquiry patronizing, which is a two billion dollar industry right now you can literally buy products from singer probe from Alexa from Siri uh.

It’s expected to grow to 40 billion by 2022, which is the crazy thing.

So it’s going to be huge and the lane i’m thinking about it is how are we actually gonna get our produces on the top of that search, because there’s only gonna is just like one commodity at the top of that search?

Maybe three Alexa isn’t gonna roster out five to ten different companies or ten five to ten different commodities which you can buy.

You’re gonna get fed up with that. It’S gonna be like one to three concoctions, and so is that gonna be really really good SEO to are going to the transcend there.

Or is it gonna be paid advertisement now, judging by the way that the world countries labours and fund settles the world and all of that trash?

I’M potting, it’s gonna are payable, and so therefore, there’s gonna be a huge opportunity for marketing agencies to offer voice, inquiry as a service and maybe we’ll see the birth of entirely independent voice search, dedicated commerce bureaux.

It’S really really going to be interesting to see how that paves out and again it’s going to be something which corporations need to start thinking about.

How can we ensure that our produces are SEO ?

Reach rich are singer, hunting ready because you’re going to have to have shorter descriptions and surely it’s only going to work for certain products which you can explain over singer.

It’S going to be a really really knotty industry to to predict and and surely something that we need to keep our eyes on, extremely if you’re selling products in the online space right now now.

The third thing to talk about is blockchain technology.

Numerous parties picture blockchain is just cryptocurrency and a decentralization of currency as we know it, and whilst blockchain is all about um about decentralization, it has so many other uses, rather than simply cryptocurrency, and time to explain very briefly how everything there is wreaks, probably a really crap Way of showing things, but i’ll do my best, and i recommend you doing your own research at the moment.

If person a wants to send money to party b, we have to go for a unified bank, okay, so we’re going to the bank and it takes a cut off it, and then it goes to person b and probably charges a really large fee.

That’S international with blockchain engineering, a person a want to send money to person b. They establish the request decay, which does verified by all these other nodes on the network. It get verified by all these other parties on the order, which then say yeah. Okay.

This is a legitimate transaction.

It then gets stomped and departs over to being b, okay, so it’s verified by the entire of structure, opposed to it being simply one residence:

Okay, which fixes it much more secure, much more reliable, and the committee is also forms this data trail of all the different blocks from The past, okay, all these different or the previous transactions.

But, now it can be used in an advertising sense in facebook or instagram.

For pattern, when advertisers are spending money online, every time we and we get acquires or each time we testify our ads in front of beings. This could be a creating this.

This blockchain um based data trail, which would make advertising more secure uh.

It can be used to get rid of fake spam, bots and fake accounts online, because we’re gonna know the origin of every single account out there um.

Yep, It can exactly be used to enhance security at all levels within our fraternities, as well as fraud and chargeback research.

I intend a big problem in the online cavity. Is a great deal of companionships get chargeback seeks and impostor for through credit card theft?

If blockchain technology actually becomes something which is implemented within e-commerce.
Then we could see a big decline in those fraud-based asking.

These scam based events because those business would then be verified by blockchain technology jesus. I resounded so uneducated, saying all of that um, but to somebody who understands blockchain will they will understand what i’m talking about right now.

Blockchain is something um, which is it’s going to enhance security all around and it’s something that we definitely need in the social media gap right now: list four influencer market.

Now i know what you’re thinking influencer sell isn’t a brand-new veer, and it’s not, but it is.

It is changing the route as we know it.

Right now, run are the days we’re not get,

but the days are going to be gone of where people or symbols rely on these really big forces to advertise their commodities.

There is a distrust within the industry right now. People do not trust the products that the likes of reality.

TV shows are advertisements because people know they are paid to do so.

The shoppers are getting wise to this um a prime example in the media. Right now is Iceland. The the big um supermarket their market campaign has already been always been getting celebrity mums to advertise their commodities, but these notoriety mums are so way up in the clouds.

They’Ve been getting paid to do this for so many years that “the consumers ” don’t cartel this so much anymore, so they’ve actually recently re-advertised um,

With a lot of real, fame real mommies. I say real mums, because these celebrity moms are still mums but but real mums.

In perhaps the youtube seat, or on the on the instagram room, these smaller mommies, who have a more direct impact and influence over their audience.

The preamble of the micro influencer is something that we really need to be mindful of, for example, if i’m working with one of my patrons, i was only much rather working in collaboration with 10 big micro influencers than i was only with one really large influencer, because those small-scale micro guys Are the ones that really have a hold over their audience?

They are the ones who really care about their public, they are very close to their audience?

And so i think, we’re going to see a big switching in influencer market, where labels will move away from the Kardashians of the world and come down to the real people to parties that actually resonate and care about their gatherings on a much more intimate level.

And so that’s definitely something if you’re doing influencer sell right now, you need to be focusing on micro influencers rather than these big-hearted chaps, which parties often distrust now.

The fifth and final thing i want to go through today is interactive content, and this isn’t just um websites, but also videos and verse.

I considered that, hopefully, digits bridged anyway, we’re gonna see the introduction to interactive adverts.

We’Ve already seen a few of them speck around on facebook, for example, where gaming firms you’ve got a micro edition of video games on facebook.

But what i’d really like to see is interactive videos on facebook and instagram, or maybe even youtube as well.

There are a lot of implements online where you can create interactive videos previously so essentially you’ll ‘ve been watching” a video and you’ll take someone through the buyer’s travel through the video, for example.

Let’S say it’s a pet accumulation, they can have a video coming up and it’s like.

What’S your baby and it’ll be like a dog, a cat or whatever you click on the “cat-o-nine-tail”, and it continues that video out located around a “cat-o-nine-tail” owned or they click on the dog, and it continues the video around a pup owned right.

You can create interactive videos which will essentially make someone through an part pour without the need of having to have this elaborate website located funnel.

You can literally do that on a video these days. I would love to see ad pulpits, establish that and well do think they will also interactive located text.

If we’re then modifying things that there’s elements of the ads that which are interactive, maybe a quiz at the start, um of let’s say it’s a quiz on um, a poll on facebook or something that comes up content, which will then demonstrate located off your answers.

To that ballot, that’s the kind of thing that we we really want to see happen with interactive advertisements and interactive market and something which is already happening in front of us. Certainly, corporations. I’Ve meet a lot recently.

A pile of firms have been procreating quizz to disqualify their clients, the qualification of something which is, which is a very, really hot auctions strategy.

Where, basically, you push your patrons apart,

“you’re telling”: hey, let me make sure you’re a good is suitable for us, which is something that we do in our own sell agency,

and we teach other marketing agencies to do, and so people are doing that for their um for Their online makes,

Particularly in the info concoction cavity parties, are having a lot of quizz and a good deal of um a lot more interactive located content approach announces chat bots anything which is enabling someone to not just feel like a number,

And i think that’s one thing That a good deal of parties are getting tired of in circular.

It’s saturation of awfully prosaic basic adverts, the gyms which do a extremely, quite simple, seven day, free trouble,

without actually putting in the extra effort to make sure that that contest or that qualify period is bespoke to that person.

An preamble of interactive adverts and quizz and pours is something which will enable people to provide a so much better personal business

Or a much more personal offering to their clients, rather than just throwing out generic offerings so chaps. That will come to an end of this article. I hope you have enjoyed it.

That is the end of this. Please do share down below.

I crave you to share with me what you think we need to keep our eyes out for one of the things that i have missed out on and likewise share this with someone or a business owner which is able to do importance from it as well and yeah.

I will see you all extremely very shortly. Thank you.