
How to Monetize Video on Youtube-5 Tips

how to monetize video on youtube

How to Monetize Video on Youtube? – YouTube is a massive platform for content creators to make money. You can use many strategies to monetize YouTube videos. If you have been creating videos on YouTube for a while or are just about to start your channel, you might be wondering how to monetize your videos and start making money from them. But let’s face it – it’s not easy making money from YouTube as an independent creator. Unless you’re famous, chances are that people won’t subscribe to your channel because of the low visibility. If you think monetizing videos on YouTube is difficult, here are some tips that can help boost your earnings from the platform…

Here are 5 ways that can help you earn money from your videos.

1. Monetize Your YouTube Channel and Monetize Your video on youtube

People typically earn a lot of money by adding an AdSense account to their YouTube channel/video and displaying ads on their content. This is the most popular and common method of generating revenue from a YouTube channel. With AdSense, you can run text-based or display ads on your content. 

You need to maintain a certain threshold applicable to the type of content you publish in your video.

To generate the best amount of revenue, maintain maximum watch time and increase the number of views across all your videos, which can lead to higher revenue generation potential with less effort required.

2. Create Sponsored Videos

If you have adequate followers on social media then creating sponsored videos can also help in generating good revenue as well as expanding your brand awareness with new viewers who see the commercial in between your video clips and also comment/like it

3. Create Videos for Brands

For brands, you can create unique video clips based on their needs, such as product reviews or any other custom requirements, such as a question and answer session with hosts, which can attract more viewers than the brand’s official commercial clip, which is only shown once during the commercial break and may not be able to capture viewers’ attention.

4. Create SEO-Friendly Videos with Descriptive Titles, Tags, and Description Section

When uploading material for profit on YouTube, most vloggers neglect or ignore a critical step that may decrease their earnings by 50% or more. Prior to now, YouTube’s primary goal was producing viral content, which required much less time from users than producing high-quality original content. It’s not always quick fixes; rather, it’s slow-burners. The following steps will help with SEO:

First of all, you have to write a descriptive title and the accuracy of your content should be 100% as this is how people will find you on YouTube.

Next, the tags for YouTube should be carefully selected based on the topic of your video and the synonyms that match the keywords your audience is looking for.

It’s also a good idea to group related videos under a common tag to help viewers find other videos that might interest them.

Last but not least, the description section should describe what the video is about and give directions if there is any call for action by You ( i.e subscribe to my YouTube channel), so do it right!

5. Speed up your Videos 

Optimizing video speed: A small thing like speeding up your videos can make a huge difference in terms of audience retention and getting more views to monetize your video on YouTube…

TIP 1: 

If you have time try using the HTML5 tool on Youtube which I have seen some channels using which helps optimize and embed your video code more effectively in a html5 player so it plays faster without buffering issues – but this only works on newer browsers like google chrome and mobile devices so if you can avoid this use then just speed up older videos directly from youtube instead

TIP 2: 

Make sure all your videos are adaptive to mobile devices and always have the option to play videos on mute if your video contains music and voices from different speakers. Use this simple HTML code if you are not doing the html5 video embedding above: <video controls=”controls” autoplay=”autoplay”> </video> <be>

TIP 3: 

And if you have a large number of videos like I do, or if you want to publish long-form content that needs to be watched in its entirety, use multi-part videos.

Well, these videos are divided into several parts and can be watched one after another as a longer video.

This way viewers will never have to jump back in and skip around more than 10 minutes of video which is a huge retention factor!

Most professional content creators will use this method on their vlog channels if they have time to set up an intro, outro, tags, description, etc… 

The problem is it takes time just like everything else online.

Well, so even YouTubers with great production value can find it difficult to edit all the footage together into a polished piece that fits well into the next part – what I personally do is record longer clips but only post part 1 (until I complete each series) and then post later when possible.

This way I release 1x per month while still publishing new material consistently but still keeping all my older content fresh since people might forget watching part 1 some months back without me reminding them =)


So my advice is to do both methods, one by one. You can even upload a new part of your multi-part series to replace part 1. 

So you regularly post live and recorded content without missing anything, and people will know that newer content is being posted and won’t watch stale videos.

That’s all I have for you today, I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope it helps you monetize your video on youtube! Please comment below with any questions or tips of your own and share them with anyone who might need the advice. All the best!

Check out my article: Thumbnails for YouTube Videos: Free Tips and Tricks


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