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Ad Tracking: How to get started with ad tracking?


It’s no secret that affiliate marketing can make a lot of money.

But this is only true for those who are serious and work hard on their affiliate program.
Most of the success depends on your perseverance and determination.

Even the best affiliate program will not prosper if you do not build your business on a solid foundation.
Nothing happens if the banners and links you place on a website are just decorations.

The affiliate must convince visitors to click on the banner or link and then move on to the program to purchase products.

Affiliate marketing can be easy if you have planned your campaign well and taken the right steps to succeed.
Choosing the right product and designing your website with the right banners and materials are the keys to success.

An ad tracker is a software that allows you to track and monitor every click made by visitors through your referral link. To make things even better, you know exactly where you placed the link.

You can either use a service provider or purchase ad tracking software.

With ad trackers, you can keep track of your campaigns, even offline ads. If you have multiple affiliate accounts, this tool can be very useful.

All decisions you make should be based on facts. By using an ad tracker, you will be able to generate traffic reports for your personal sales page.
Armed with the right knowledge and ad tracking software, you will have no problem succeeding in the world of affiliate marketing.

The beginning may be tough, but once you start making money, you’ll be glad you took the time to get started. You’ll be glad you took the chance!

What is Ad Tracking?

Ad tracking is the process of tracking the impact of an advertising channel. You can use ad tracking to track the return on investment of ad spend.

Ad tracking also helps you determine the exact effectiveness of your ad campaigns and the extent to which your ad spend is translating into increased sales.

You can glean countless granular data points with your digital advertising and customer data, making it easy to see how ad campaigns are influencing sales in near real-time.

Whereas before the Internet, advertisers had to struggle with the near-total lack of data to support their new ad campaigns, modern digital advertisers have almost too much data.

They have to spend a lot of time extracting the most valuable insights and trends from the plethora of data they collect. Ad tracking makes it easier for advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their ads, test new campaigns with minimal investment, and revise their ads more quickly based on the data collected by their tracking tools.

Digital advertising plays an important role in building your brand awareness. As a business owner, you need to make sure that every ad you purchase offers an acceptable return on investment. Site owners should encourage their digital advertising teams to track their ads, find out who is engaging with them, and discover how to leverage the ads more effectively.

Ad tracking is a more complex process than it may first appear. However, with the right tips and strategies, you can make ad tracking a viable and valuable part of your digital marketing campaigns.

What can you track with ad tracking?

Data collection is incredibly sophisticated and is now the cornerstone of modern digital marketing.

Ad tracking technology allows marketing teams to track click-through rates, the rates at which users click on paid ads and ads embedded in emails,

as well as a wide variety of other metrics, from page views to social media post impressions and ROI for pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Ad tracking helps determine the behaviors of your audience and helps you better define their interests.

However, there is no single formula for proper ad tracking.

Every business has different priorities and every ad campaign has unique objectives. It’s critical for business owners developing new ad campaigns to determine which metrics are most important and develop their own ad tracking systems.

How to get started with ad tracking?

The first step in developing your own ad tracking system is to identify your pain points. Think about past ad campaigns that performed poorly and try to determine what went wrong.

If you have past data as a baseline, you can determine how your past digital ad efforts have not met your expectations and adjust them accordingly for the future.

For example, if you seem to be spending an inordinate amount of your marketing budget on Facebook ads and your ad tracking system indicates that Facebook drove minimal traffic to your website, then you know you don’t need to spend as much on Facebook marketing in the future.

Identifying your pain points helps you define your goals more clearly.

You need to know what you intend to track before you start tracking ads.

Do you want your website visitors to stay on your page longer, or are you trying to drive more traffic through your paid Google ads?

Do you want to improve the click-through rate of your marketing emails?

Set clearly defined goals for your next ad campaign and develop a tracking system that helps you mark your progress toward those goals.

5 types of ad tracking methods

There are several methods of tracking ads. It’s up to you to decide which methods are most appropriate for your goals:

1. Tracking pixels

A tracking pixel is a 1×1 pixel image space that is embedded in the body of an email message.

When a recipient opens the email to view the message, the tracking pixel transmits this data to inform you, that the email has been opened.

Tracking pixels can potentially help you gain valuable insights into your customers’ buying journey and their overall relationship with your brand.

However, you should use them carefully and only track data that is relevant to your relationship with a customer and is intended to provide the customer with superior experiences with your brand.

Tracking pixels are incredibly effective in optimizing the average customer’s buying journey with your business.

2. Cookies

Virtually everyone on the Internet is familiar with cookies to some degree.

Almost all major websites now ask new users to accept the use of cookies when they first visit those pages. Cookies are temporary Internet files that help advertising teams obtain useful information about user behavior on their Web sites.

However, sites must obtain explicit consent to use cookies, which is why cookie requests exist today on virtually all major sites when their landing pages load.

3. DoubleClick – Google Seo


Google acquired the DoubleClick ad platform in 2008 and now uses it to effectively manage advertisers’ ad campaigns across multiple channels.

If you recently saw a product listed for sale on an online store and then noticed ads for that item following you around the Internet, it’s probably due to DoubleClick ad tracking.

Google has renamed the DoubleClick platform to Google Marketing, Google Ads, and Google Ad Manager, but the fundamentals remain the same. The system uses primary and secondary cookies to analyze user behavior and determine the best use of ad space on a given site.

4. Facebook ad tracking

Facebook remains the leading social media platform and Facebook advertising is now a major digital marketing channel for countless businesses. You can use the Facebook ad tracking pixel to create custom ad targeting audiences, gain insights into how users’ interaction with your Facebook page influences visits to your website, and determine purchase intent.

5. URL tracking

URL tracking is probably the simplest form of ad tracking.

When a user clicks on a link associated with your ad campaign that spans multiple channels, you receive a report indicating which channel generated the link.

This is an incredibly useful way to track the success of multiple ad channels used in the same campaign.

These are just a few examples of effective ad tracking methods that you can start using right away.

The best type of tracking for your business depends, of course, on how you market your products and services.

When you rely heavily on email marketing, tracking pixels help you collect data on open and click-through rates.

In case you are advertising on multiple sites using the Google Ads platform, you will need to understand how cookies work, how to collect them, and the types of cookies available for analysis.

If Facebook advertising is a significant portion of your digital marketing spends, you need to take full advantage of the tracking capabilities offered by Facebook to ensure you’re getting an acceptable return on investment.

Start reaping the benefits of ad tracking for your next marketing campaign.

Ad tracking can offer several fantastic benefits for your next marketing campaign, no matter how many channels you plan to implement. Ad tracking will help you get to know your audience better, cater more accurately to their needs and interests, and maximize every marketing dollar for maximum ROI.

Modern digital marketing requires continuous effort. You can’t expect the same strategies that worked last year or two years ago to work just as well next year.

It’s essential to have an ad tracking system in place so you can track your progress over time, respond to market changes and shifting customer habits, and ultimately provide your audience with higher-quality interactions with your brand.

Thank you for reading! See you soon.

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